How much does Curtain cleaning cost?
Cost depends on how much fabric is in your curtains. The best way to find this out, is to measure the height of the curtain (top to bottom) and the width along the hem, then call or use the contact form and we will give you a price. Some delicate, heavy fabrics, or curtains with bumph interlining, may cost more due to the extra care that needs to be taken.
What is the process to clean my curtains?
If you curtains have mould on the front, then they are tested for colourfastness*, if colourfast, the entire curtain is treated for mould then thoroughly cleaned to remove residual dirt, dust, sun-yellowing and odours. Stains are given extra attention with various treatments depending on their origin.
*the ability of a fabric to keep the same colour without fading or running even if exposed to certain chemicals
Can you pick up from my home?
Yes, we offer a pick up and redelivery/installation service. Our travel charge depends on where you are located. We can come and take your curtains down and rehang them once we return – so you don’t need to do a thing. Please advise us if the curtains are above 3 metres so we can bring the right sized ladder.
What kind of curtains and blinds do you clean?
We clean all types of fabric curtains, thermal, sheers, interlined, bumph lined, linens, velvets, taffetas. Some delicate or extra heavy curtains may incur a surcharge. We clean roller blinds, blockout and sunfilter. Roman blinds and Austrian blinds.
Do you clean venetian or vertical blinds?
Sorry no. We only clean fabric curtains and blinds, not timber or PVC slatted blinds.
How long will it take to clean my curtains or blinds?
Generally our cleaning process takes two working days. Occasionally longer depending on the thickness of fabric and how quickly it dries and also how many curtains you have. Alternatively, sometimes the curtains dry faster and can be ready sooner. If you have an urgent deadline, please let us know, we can often put a rush on your job (no extra charge) and prioritise them.
Can we drop them off ?
Yes, we have a central depot in New Plymouth, please call for details. Please leave any hooks in your curtains as we use these to complete our cleaning process. Usual business hours are 9am-5pm however if you require a drop off or pick up after these hours, please feel free to ask.
How do I remove my blinds?
Roman blinds are usually attached to the wall with a ‘J’ bracket held in by a screw, this can be easily removed and the blind lifted off the brackets. To remove roller blinds, there is a serrated type wheel on one end, as you turn this towards you the pin that holds it into the bracket retracts, and the blind drops down and is able to be removed from the other end by gently pulling it off. If it’s a long or heavy blind, ensure you have someone to help hold the other end to stop it from dropping out of the bracket and getting damaged. Some brands of blinds have specific installations, contact the manufacturer for the best way to remove these from the brackets.
Will my curtains shrink when cleaned?
Hopefully not! But no one can guarantee this. We get asked this question a lot, and we don’t encounter shrinkage very often, however if your curtain has a high content of cotton or linen (natural fibres) and is not pre-shrunk prior to making, it can shrink. We do everything in our power to reduce the chance of shrinkage by keeping heat away from all steps in the cleaning process. The curtains are cleaned with cold water, hung to dry and we use dehumidifiers if necessary, to assist the drying process. At no time are your curtains exposed to heat or processed in machinery that agitates. If your curtain does shrink we can arrange for the hem to be dropped. This is at an additional charge as we use a specialist curtain maker to complete this. Thermal coated fabric and roller blinds won’t shrink.
Can you remove all the mould from my blinds or curtains?
Yes! We can always remove the mould from the linings whether the curtain is colourfast or not, as we separate the lining and treat it. If the front fabric is colourfast we can absolutely remove all mould along with the spores.
Can you repair my damaged curtains or blinds?
Yes, usually. If your curtain is damaged or needs lining replaced, talk to us about your options. If your curtain is ripped or needs the lining replaced, we can arrange to get this repaired for you. We repair and restring roman blinds and provide spare parts for most roller blinds.